7月的阳光照射着爱尔兰海岸丁格尔港中游船的风帆,无数双眼睛扫视着船下的海水。忽然一个年轻女子指着水面喊道:“喏,你们看!”只见一条海豚突然跃出海面腾空而起,随后掉过头来又扎入水中。它不断地以优美的身姿和灵巧的动作向人们显示它的风采。船上的导游向游客介绍这只海豚,说它是丁格尔港湾地区一个渔村村民的良友 在丁格尔湾一处的岸上有一座名叫“丁格尔”的村庄,千百年来这里的村民以打鱼为业。上世纪80年代的一个秋日,丁格尔的村民出海打鱼时发现,有一只海豚总是跟在渔船一侧浮游。
The July sun shines on the sails of a mid-size cruise ship in the Dingle Harbor in the Irish coast, and countless pairs of eyes glance at the water beneath the boat. Suddenly a young woman pointed to the water shouted: “Hey, you see!” I saw a dolphin suddenly jumped out of the sea into the sky, then turn around and plunge into the water. It constantly shows grace to the people with graceful demeanor and dexterity. The boat’s guide introduced the dolphin to tourists, saying it was a good friend of a fishing village in Dingle Bay. There was a village on the bank of Dingle Bay called “Dingle”, where for centuries Villagers to fish for the industry. One autumn day in the 1980s, when Dingle’s villagers went fishing, they discovered that a dolphin always floated on the side of a fishing boat.