癫痫病因繁多 ,在一些病例具有明确的遗传因素。我们发现四代家族遗传性癫痫 7例 ,现报告如下。先证者 :男 ,1岁 6个月 ,因发热、咳嗽 3d ,抽搐 2次于1998年 9月 13日入院。入院 3d前因受凉后出现鼻流清涕、发热 ,体温 38℃ ,咳嗽。病后第 3d ,突然出现意识丧失 ,全身强直—
There are many causes of epilepsy, with definite genetic factors in some cases. We found seven generations of family history of genetic epilepsy, are as follows. Proof: male, 1 year and 6 months, due to fever, cough 3d, convulsions twice in September 13, 1998 admission. 3d occurred before admission due to nasal flow after the cold runny nose, fever, body temperature 38 ℃, cough. After the first 3d, a sudden loss of consciousness, generalized rigidity -