In June 1987, the project entitled “Evolution of Tectonic Belt in the Tethys Belt of the Western Yunnan Drought” was formally included in major projects during the “Seventh Five-Year Plan” through project demonstration and peer review by experts. We chose the Yunnan region because it is part of the largest Himalayas-Alps orogen in the world. It traverses the Eurasian continent and is the product of the demise of the ancient Tethys Sea, which documents the convergent collision of two ancient land masses. Especially in the western part of Yunnan-Sichuan region, the collision between the continent of India and Eurasia over 45 million years ago resulted in the uplift of the nearly east-west Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and the sudden turning into a nearly north-south transverse Hengduan Mountains in western Yunnan,