开发与利用坡地、珍惜和保护土壤,历来是台湾农业界十分关注的热点问题。台湾农业界在防治山坡地水土流失方面富有成效的工作与实际应用效果引人注目,在寻求山地果园覆盖种植的草种与实际应用技术上取得明显进展,尤其是对百喜草引种筛选、抗逆性、保育土壤功能及综合利用方式等方面作了全面系统的研究,建立了技术规程,并在山地果园大面积推广应用,收到良好效果。 一、百喜草的生物学特性 百喜草属禾本科、黍亚科,黍族,雀稗属。学名为Paspalum notatum Flugge。台湾于1963年起,由前农复会先后从美国、波
The development and utilization of sloping lands and treasures and protection of soils have always been a hot issue of concern to the agricultural sector in Taiwan. Taiwan’s agricultural sector in the prevention and control of soil erosion in hillside fruitful work and practical application of compelling effects in seeking mountain orchards covered planting grass species and practical application of technology made significant progress, especially for introduction of hippophae screening screening, resistance Inverted nature, conservation of soil function and comprehensive utilization of the way made a comprehensive and systematic study, the establishment of technical regulations, and large-scale popularization and application in the mountain orchards, received good results. First, the biological characteristics of Bahrain Herbage Bahia grass genus, Milia subfamily, millet family, Paspalum. Scientific name is Paspalum notatum Flugge. Taiwan began in 1963 by the former Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries successively from the United States and Poland