华能糯扎渡水电站位于澜沧江下游普洱市,是澜沧江中下游河段规划的“二库八级”中第5级。挡水建筑物为心墙堆石坝,最大坝高261.5m,水库正常蓄水位812m,总库容227.41×10~8 m~3,调节库容113.35×10~8m~3,相当于16个滇池的蓄水量。电站安装9台650MW机组,总装机容量5850MW,平均年发电量239.12×10~8kW·h。左岸由地下厂房和泄洪防洪设施等组成,溢洪道为亚洲最大的表孔溢洪道。
Huaneng Nuozhadu Hydropower Station is located in the lower reaches of the Lancang River Pu’er City, is the middle and lower reaches of the Lancang River planning “two reservoirs ” in the fifth. The water retaining structure is a core rockfill dam with a maximum dam height of 261.5m, a normal reservoir water level of 812m, a total reservoir capacity of 227.41 × 10-8m 3 and a regulating reservoir capacity of 113.35 × 10-8m 3, equivalent to 16 Dianchi The amount of water storage. Nine 650MW units are installed in the power station, with a total installed capacity of 5850MW and an average annual generating capacity of 239.12 × 10 ~ 8kW · h. The left bank is made up of underground powerhouses and flood control and flood protection facilities. The spillway is the largest surface spillway in Asia.