根据2003年《新闻出版总署调研工作实施方案》,本课题组于2003年7月24-26日,对青海省新闻出版业进行了调研。课题组先后到青海省新闻出版局、青海人民出版社、青海省新华书店、青海省新华印刷厂、《青海日报》社和西海音像出版社等进行了典型调查,并到青海省新华书店在西宁市的一家门市店和青海省一家县级新华书店进行了实地调研和考察,认真听取了有关单位对如何加快新闻出版业发展的意见和建议。 一、青海新闻出版业的发展状况 (一)基本状况
According to the 2003 “Press and Publication Administration survey implementation plan”, our group in July 24-26, 2003, Qinghai Province, press and publication industry conducted a survey. The task force went to Qinghai Province Press and Publication Bureau, Qinghai People’s Publishing House, Xinhua Bookstore in Qinghai Province, Xinhua Printing House in Qinghai Province, “Qinghai Daily” and the West Sea Audio-Video Publishing House conducted a typical survey, and to Xinhua Bookstore in Qinghai Province in Xining A store in the city and a county-level Xinhua Bookstore in Qinghai Province conducted a field investigation and study, earnestly listened to the relevant units on how to speed up the development of press and publication industry’s opinions and suggestions. First, the development of news publishing industry in Qinghai (a) the basic situation