当机构改革的春风吹遍甘肃国税系统时,2001年4月13日早上8:30,陇南地区国税局也开始了竞争副科级空缺职位的现场答辩。 10分钟自我演讲、5分钟抽签答题、5分钟评委提问到现场公开分数,每一个程序节奏紧凑,井井有条。来自地区局机关和四个县的竞争者,个个有备而来,沉着应战。现场不时传出阵阵喝彩声。 9号竞争者袁战军在自我演讲中表达道:“我一直
When the spring breeze of the institutional reform spread all over the Gansu national tax system, the Longtan IRS also started the on-site defense of the competition for deputy section-level vacancies at 8:30 am on April 13, 2001. 10 minutes self-talk, 5 minutes lottery answer questions, 5 minutes judges to the scene open scores, each program rhythm compact and well-organized. Coming from the regional bureaux and the competitors in the four counties, all of them came preparedly and calmly. Occasionally came bursts of applause from the scene. In the self-lecturing, No. 9 competitor Yuan Zhanjun said: "I have been