随着人们居住条件的改善,室内绿化已被看作居室装饰的重要组成部分。在室内绿化设计时,如果能将植物的造型、色彩等运用得恰到好处,将会达到美化居室环境,愉悦人们生活的目的。 室内绿化的原则 室内绿化布置讲究色彩的协调与变化。首先,室内绿化的植物色彩要与房间的性质相适应。餐厅、卫生间等人们在其中活动的时间较短,植物的色彩配置可以对比强烈些,创造出华丽鲜艳的环境。而人们在书房、卧室活动时间较长,绿化植物的色彩要淡雅,要与周围环境协调一致,创造一个幽雅安静的活动空间。其次,室
With the improvement of people’s living conditions, indoor greening has been seen as an important part of room decoration. Green design in the interior, if the plant’s shape, color and other applications just right, will beautify the living room environment, pleasant people’s lives. Indoor greening principle of indoor greening emphasizes the coordination and change of color. First of all, the green color of the interior should be adapted to the nature of the room. Restaurants, toilets and other activities in which a short time, the plant’s color configuration can be more intense, to create a gorgeous bright environment. The people in the study, the bedroom activities for a long time, the color of plants should be elegant, with the surrounding environment in harmony, to create a quiet and elegant space for the event. Second, room