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1983年出生的双雪涛为文坛所关注是近一两年来的事,这主要源于他那瑰丽奇美的长篇《翅鬼》(春风文艺出版社,2012年)的出版。自创作以来,双雪涛作品不多,《翅鬼》之外,还有长篇《融城》(待出版),以及《我的朋友安德烈》、《跛人》等十数个中短篇。或许正因为出道较晚(将近三十岁开始有作品问世),他的小说全无“80后”作家们惯常呈现的那种情绪过剩且叙述上不够节制的特点,它们甫一面世,即显出创作 Shuangxue Tao was born in 1983 for the attention of the literary world in the last couple of years, mainly due to his magnificent and wonderful “wing ghost” (Spring Edition, 2012) publication. Since his creation, there have been only a few short and medium-sized articles published by Shuang Xue Tao, such as Finch Ghost, and the long story of “Melting the City” (to be published), as well as “My Friend Andrea” and “La Li” . Perhaps because of his late debut (almost 30 years of age began to have works published), his novels 80 post "writers are often characterized by the excess of emotions and narrative uncontrollably, they just came out, That is to show the creation
新课程理念要求教师改变传统的灌输式教学模式,以学生为主,让学生学会学习,形成自主探究、自主解决问题的能力。如何才能让学生自主学习呢?笔者认为,以课堂为阵地,创设良好的问题情境,能激发学生的学习积极性,促使学生自觉发现问题、提出问题,从而切实、有效地培养学生自主学习的意识。  一、从创设实际问题出发,诱发学生学习的好奇心  心理学研究表明:只有当认知结构与外界刺激发生不平衡时,才能引起认知矛盾,在教