徐小明其人其名早为广大观众熟悉,他能编能导能演能唱,精力充沛多才多艺,但我万万没想到他还是一位稀有的玩命导演。 电影《海市蜃楼》,观众褒贬各异,有的认为情节离奇、节奏紧凑,打斗激烈、场景壮观,颇具刺激性,是部较好的娱乐片;有的却认为编导者胡编乱造,哗众取宠。当然,这两种意见都不失偏颇。徐小明以拍娱乐片见长,一部《霍元甲》轰动了神州大地,徐小明便从十亿观众中找到了市场。凭心而论,不管是胡编乱造也好,哗众取宠也好,至今,在拍娱乐片方面,我们还没有一个导演能拍得过徐小明的。也许这是我的武断?
Xu Xiaoming his name as early as the majority of the audience familiar with, he can be programmed to play can lead performance singing, energetic versatile, but I never thought he was a rare director of life. Movie mirage, the audience mixed reviews, some think the plot bizarre, fast paced, fierce fighting, the scene spectacular, quite exciting, is a better entertainment; some think the editor of making up, grandstanding. Of course, neither of these two opinions is biased. Xu Xiaoming to film entertainment known, a “Huo Yuan Jia” sensation of the earth, Xu Xiaoming from one billion of the audience to find the market. In all fairness, whether it is messy or messy, grandstanding, so far, taking entertainment, we do not have a director can ever have photographed Xu Xiaoming. Maybe this is my arbitrary?