On Lin Yutang’s Translation Thoughts from the Perspective of Eco-translatology

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In 2006, Professor Hu Gengsheng has proposed the concept of Eco-translatology, which is a new arena for scholars to explore and develop. According to Professor Hu, translation is described as a translator’s adaptive and selective activities in a translational eco-environment. This thesis consists of the following two parts. Part One: It analyses translator’s selective adaptation, which will preserve the characteristics of the original culture to make the translation version more convincing. Part Two: It analyses translator’s adaptive selection, which will wipe out some expressions and customs inconsistent with the targeted culture to render the translation version more intelligible. The adaptive transformation will be analyzed from three dimensions——linguistic dimension, cultural dimension and communicative dimension. In 2006, Professor Hu Gengsheng has proposed the concept of Eco-translatology, which is a new arena for scholars to explore and develop. According to Professor Hu, translation is described as a translator’s adaptive and selective activities in a translational eco-environment. This Part One: It analyzes the translator’s selective selection, which will preserve the characteristics of the original culture to make the translation version more convincing. Part Two: It analyzes translator’s adaptive selection, which will wipe out some expressions and customs inconsistent with the targeted culture to render the translation version more intelligible. The adaptive transformation will be analyzed from three dimensions - linguistic dimension, cultural dimension and communicative dimension.
【摘要】政治文本的英译为中国与国际社会的沟通交流提供了一个良好的平台,但是国内关于政治文本的研究却相对较少,没有形成完整的体系与理论。本文以功能对等理论为视角,结合政府工作报告的词汇、句法和修辞特点,分析了功能对等理论在政府工作报告的词汇和句法层面的对等翻译。  【关键词】政治文本 对等功能 英译  一、功能对等理论  奈达的功能对等理论是西方翻译理论中最有影响和最广为人知的理论之一。1964年,
【摘要】卡森·麦卡勒斯的小说对于种族问题有着十分深刻的关注。本文通过对比分析其三部小说《婚礼的成员》《没有指针的钟》《心是孤独的猎手》中黑人和白人的形象,从爱的寻求者,自我身份的界定者,和社会改革的鼓动者三个角度总结了三组黑人与白人的生存问题,进一步了解了其作品的深刻内涵,及隐含的种族观念。  【关键词】黑人形象 白人形象 二元对立 生存问题  作为划过美国文坛上一颗闪亮耀眼的流星,卡森·麦卡勒斯
【摘要】《柔蜜欧与幽丽叶》是我国著名戏剧大师曹禺的译作。曹禺不拘泥于原文的形式,添加了一些“舞台说明”。本文对其译本进行细致的探讨和分析,从宏观上把握曹禺“舞台说明”分为三大类,同时从三个方面分析了曹译本中“舞台说明”呈现出的特点原因,也探讨了“舞台说明”产生的价值。  【关键词】曹禺 《柔蜜欧与幽丽叶》 “舞台说明”  一、舞台指示与曹禺译作《柔蜜欧与幽丽叶》中的“舞台说明”  众所周知,曹禺是
Issue of free translation and literal translation has long been focus of dispute among translators. In this paper, I want to study on how the translator can pro