
来源 :岩土力学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fy_laile
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CO2深部咸水层地质封存被认为是减缓温室效应的一种有效的工程技术手段。针对神华鄂尔多斯105t/a CO2捕集与封存(CCS)示范项目,用数值模拟方法对CO2在地层中的运移过程进行了详细地刻画,分析了CO2的流动迁移、地层压力积聚过程及地层封存潜力。数值模型不但可以为工程的顺利进行提供技术支撑,而且可以节省人力财力。首先,根据实际监测数据对模拟参数进行校准,得到了合适的压力拟合曲线,确定了主要的水文地质参数。然后,对为期3 a的CO2续注工程进行预测,详细分析了CO2的晕扩散、溶解情况、地层压力变化情况、储层封存潜力等。得到如下结论:CO2在3 a内的最大迁移距离约为350 m;水裂可以有效提高CO2的注入性;隔离层能有效防止CO2逃逸。研究表明,尽管鄂尔多斯盆地属于低渗咸水层仍然能够有效安全地封存CO2。 Geological sequestration of deep saline aquifers in CO2 is considered as an effective engineering technique to mitigate the greenhouse effect. Aiming at the 105t / a CO2 capture and storage (CCS) demonstration project of Shenhua Ordos, the migration process of CO2 in the formation is described in detail by numerical simulation. The flow and migration of CO2, the process of formation pressure accumulation and the formation sealing potential. The numerical model can not only provide technical support for the smooth progress of the project, but also save human and financial resources. First of all, according to the actual monitoring data to calibrate the simulation parameters, get the fitting curve of the appropriate pressure and determine the main hydrogeological parameters. Then, a 3-year CO2 refill project is predicted, and the corona diffusion, dissolution, formation pressure changes and reservoir sealing potential of CO2 are analyzed in detail. The following conclusions are obtained: the maximum migration distance of CO2 within 3 years is about 350 m; the water splitting can effectively improve the injectability of CO2; and the separation layer can effectively prevent CO2 from escaping. Research shows that, although the Ordos Basin belongs to the low permeability saline water layer, it still can effectively and safely seal CO2.
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