“Hunting for Huntsman” tells the story of a fight between police officers and criminals. Wang Jianyang, played by Zhang Jiahui, is related to two murder cases separated by more than 20 years. The fallen police officer starring Ren Dahua is in charge of finding evidence to bring him to justice. Unlike traditional gangster films, “Hunting” aggravates the element of suspense and horror, and is unique in its genre. From Zhang Jiahui starred in the perverted killer Wang Yuan Yang jail release began, the film immersed in a tense atmosphere: the famous musicians storm the streets, separated by more than 20 years, two murder has made contact with Ren Dahua and other police chase is crises, Step by step startling. Zhang Jiahui film never smile look, has become a landmark element of horror, which is the peak of Hong Kong film techniques, the audience can be satisfied and pleased. The whole film has experienced several ups and downs after the inverse