一 教学方法按其本义,理应包括教的方法和学的方法两个方面.但长期以来,只重视教法的研究,而忽视学法的研究.实践证明,忽视学法,教法也失去针对性并减弱其实效性. 教学活动中,学生是主体,知识是客体,教师是导体.教学方法的研究,必须以学生为重点,充分调动和发挥学生的主观能动作用,培养和发展学生的自学能力,教会学生掌握科学
A teaching method, according to its original meaning, should include both teaching methods and learning methods. However, for a long time, only the study of the teaching method has been neglected, while the study of the learning method has been neglected. Practice has proved that ignoring the learning method and the teaching method are also lost. Sex and weaken its effectiveness. In the teaching activities, students are the main body, knowledge is the object, and teachers are the conductors. Research on teaching methods must focus on students, fully mobilize and exert students’ subjective action, develop and develop students’ self-learning. Ability to teach students to master science