英国进化论者赫胥黎的孙子A.赫胥黎(Aldous Huxley)是英国当代颇有影响的小说家和散文家。他在1932年出版过一本预言性小说《美丽的新世界》;最近又出版一本散文集《美丽的新世界重游记》,对社会主义国家进行了攻击。帝国主义的宣传者总是诬蔑社会主义国家为和法西斯一样的极权国家,而他们的政体是民主政体;这一套手法早已成为司空见惯了。A.赫胥黎的毒箭其实已经是强弩之末,从这篇书评看来,连英国人对他的危言耸听也变得腻味了。
Aldous Huxley, grandson of the British evolutionist Huxley, is an influential British novelist and essayist. He published a prophetic novel “The Beautiful New World” in 1932; recently published an essay series “Beautiful New World Travels” that attacked the socialist countries. The propagandists of imperialism always vilify the socialist countries as totalitarian countries like Fascists, and their regimes are democracies; this tactic has long been commonplace. A. Huxley’s poison arrow is actually a spent force, from this book reviews, even the British people’s alarmist to him also became very tired.