On Studies on Depth of Vocabulary Knowledge Abroad

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  【摘要】:Abstract: The depth of vocabulary knowledge is of vital importance in learning a word. This study is to analyze the studies on depth of vocabulary knowledge abroad. Three empirical studies abroad are selected based on certain criteria, followed by critical analysis.
  Key words: the depth of vocabulary knowledge; abroad; critical analysis
  1.Selection criteria
  In order to make it much more qualified as a representation of the whole pack, the articles are collected with careful considerations. Firstly, empirical studies are selected. Secondly, the articles have been selected according to the citation frequency.
  2.The selected articles
  2.1Schmitt and Meara (1997)’s study
  This study is the first step to explore the depth of vocabulary knowledge, it investigates two aspects of word knowledge: word association and verbal suffixes.
  2.2Schmitt (1998)’s study
  This study can be reckoned as an extension of the former one. Compared with the previous one, it explores a wider range of word knowledge including the spelling, associations, grammatical information, and meaning.
  2.3Qian (1999)’s study
  This study focuses not only on the word knowledge itself; it examines the word knowledge in the reading comprehension. This indicates that the study on word knowledge itself is far less enough.
  3.Critical Analysis
  3.1 Achievements
  Schmitt and Meara (1997)’s study is the first step to explore the depth of vocabulary knowledge, it only investigates two aspects of word knowledge: word association and verbal suffixes. Schmitt (1998)’s study can be reckoned as an extension of the former one. It explores a wider range of word knowledge including the spelling, associations, grammatical information, and meaning. Qian (1999)’s study focuses not only on the word knowledge itself; it examines the word knowledge in the reading comprehension.
  3.2 Weaknesses
  Besides the merits, there are some weaknesses in the studies. The research scope can be enlarged in the future studies, more aspects of word knowledge are called on to be investigated in the future studies. Subjects of varied features should be involved in the future studies. Inappropriateness in the measurement of the test should be corrected.
  The studies on the depth of vocabulary knowledge give us a lot of implications on research and teaching, more researches on the depth of vocabulary knowledge are called on in
  1.Qian, D. Investigating the relationship between vocabulary knowledge and academic reading performance: An assessment perspective [J]. Language Learning, 2002, (3): 513-536.
  2.Schmitt, N. & P. Meara. Researching Vocabulary through a Word Knowledge Framework: Word Associations and Verbal Suffixes [J]. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 1997, (19): 17-35.
  3.Schmitt, N. Measuring collocational knowledge: key issues and an experimental assessment procedure [J]. Review of Applied Linguistics. I.T.L, 1998: 119-120.
【摘要】:惠民泥塑是国家级非物质文化遗产,在新时代的大背景下,它的发展不尽如人意。本文以主要从惠民泥塑的传承和发展面临的问题、对其的几点思考两个大方向进行阐述。  【关键词】:惠民泥塑;问题;思考  一、惠民泥塑概述  近年来,随着国家对非物质文化遗产保护的力度的不断加大和媒体的宣传,人们对民俗文化和民间美术的关注也越来越多。滨州地区的民间艺术资源非常丰富,有年画、剪纸、皮影风筝、泥塑、面塑、民间
李斯特三首《彼得拉克十四行诗》是音乐与文学完美的结晶,更是钢琴音乐作品诗意化的典型代表之作。本文以这三首作品为研究对象,对它们的诗乐艺术及演绎特征作研究。本文选择了三位钢琴大师的演奏版本进行比较分析,他们分别是:奥地利钢琴家阿尔弗雷德·布伦德尔(Alfred Brendel)、美籍古巴钢琴家乔治·博列特(Jorge Bolet)、俄罗斯钢琴家拉扎尔·贝尔曼(Lazar Berman)。其中《彼得拉
对于每一个中国人来说,从出生到死亡,不时不刻不再深受传统文化的深刻影响,这种影响体现在每个人的思维方式、行为和价值观里,并给每个人深深烙上印记,即继承了过去,更预示着未来.研究乞巧,探讨其中的独立精神和文艺、文史案秘,为凝聚中华民族的立体精神,实现中国梦尽一份心.  以下是我对中国陇南礼县、西和县乞巧活动的有关认识。  一、西汉水上游的人文地理环境调查  西汉水为嘉陵江一级支流。西汉水上游西礼盆地
【摘要】:藏族神话故事与藏族人民的生活息息相关并深刻反映了藏先民早期的社会文化心理。阿来重视藏族民间文学资源在自己文学创作中的应用,并借此表达自己对藏族民族文化及民族精神的追怀。  【关键词】:阿来;民间文学;神话  藏族民间文学资源有着浓厚的藏族民间文化色彩,深刻地体现了藏族人民的历史文化、风土人情、自然风光以及人们的生存、生活状态。生长于四川阿坝藏族羌族自治州嘉绒藏区的阿来穿行于藏汉文化之间,
【摘要】:随着时代的发展,现在的大学校园不仅是知识的殿堂,人才的培养基地,也是国家文化软实力的综合体现。因此,校园的规划建设备受人们关注。在高校校园规划和建设的实践中,如何顺应时代的潮流,实现校园文化的传承与创新,以更好地实现高等教育的目的,是高校校园规划和建设的十分重要的课题。  同时,“未来设计”“未来建筑”“未来城市”等等这些关于未来的诸多设计与理论是目前广泛关注的热点问题。希望本文的研究能
【摘要】:戏曲经过几千年的发展,融合了多种表现艺术,已俨然成为传统文化不可割舍的部分。武生是戏曲中重要的角色,武生表演的好坏对戏曲的效果影响很大。现从戏曲中武生形象的重要地位出发,就武生表演应具备的基本功以及武生表演需要的技巧、武生表演要达到的境界等方面的认识与思考做一初步探讨。  【关键词】:戏剧;武生表演;生存  "行当"是戏曲艺术对现实生活中不同身份、不同性格、不同性别、不同职业的人,在舞台
【摘要】:1960年9月,陈毅元帅亲书“大余的梅山和梅关都是老革命根据地,是革命人民的故乡之一。”1936年冬,西安事变和平解决,蒋介石不顾国家和人民的利益,对南方游击队发起疯狂的进攻。陈毅元帅视死如归,坚决抗战。梅山,见证了陈毅元帅三年游击战的艰辛,留下了元帅充满革命气息的代表性作品《梅岭三章》。  【关键词】:陈毅;《梅岭三章》;革命;梅岭  陈毅(1901-1972),中国无产阶级革命家、军
【摘要】:通过课堂教学挖掘学生的创造潜能,培养学生的创新精神;提高学生的审美素质,发展學生的创新能力;为建构新的初中美术教学创作之路迈出新的一步。  【关键词】:美术课堂;创新精神;培养  美术教育是素质教育的重要组成部分。新课程改革后,美术的课堂教学已由传统的重视美术基础知识和基本技能的学习,转化成以提高和完善学生素质为主要目的的新课程体系。这就要求美术教师对教学过程和教学方法进行改革,实施开放