随着教学的不断改革,人们越来越注重对学生的素质培养。课堂上科学地处理好“动”与“静”的关系,也是提高学生素质的一个重要方面。 有的老师比较注重课堂上的“静”,喜欢一根针摔在地上都能听得见的纪律。一个人站在讲台上孤芳自赏滔滔不绝地讲上四十几分钟,自认为教学效果好,结果会怎样呢?死气沉沉的课堂可能会有不少的学生学习兴趣不高,思想分心。 而又有些同志片面地强调课堂气氛要充分活跃,认为越热烈越好,课堂上自始至终提问题,讨论不断,或举手回答声、或讨论声此起彼伏,师生忙得不亦乐乎,好像一个竞赛场面,实际上这也是不科学的课堂教学。 我认为一堂成功的课,既不是对教案机械的照本宣科,也不是硬要把课堂搞得轰轰烈烈,摆花架子。而是要不失时机地把握好“动”与“静”的关系,渗透教材内容,开拓学生思
With the continuous reform of teaching, people pay more and more attention to the quality of students. The scientifically handling of the relationship between “movement” and “quietness” in class is also an important aspect of improving the quality of students. Some teachers pay more attention to the “quiet” in the classroom and like the discipline that can be heard when a needle falls on the ground. One person stood on the podium and spoke for forty minutes. He thought that the teaching effect was good. What would be the result? There were many students in the lifeless class who might have low interest in learning and distraction. Some comrades stressed that the atmosphere of the classroom was to be fully active. They felt that the hotter the better, the questions raised throughout the class, discussions were ongoing, or the voice of hands raised, or the sound of discussion rose one after another, and the teachers and students were too busy to seem like one. In fact, this is unscientific class teaching. I think that a successful class is neither an instruction book for the teaching of the lesson plan nor a hard lesson to make. Instead, we must seize the opportunity to grasp the relationship between “movement” and “quietness”, infiltrate the content of teaching materials, and open up students’ thinking.