
来源 :人民教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jackyddd
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一、搞好农村教育综合改革,培养大批中、初级实用技术人才。农村教育综合改革试点县由一个扩大为两个;“燎原计划”示范乡由6个扩展到9个;在办好原有的14所职业高中的基础上,再改办34所农村普通高中为农业高中,使各类职业学校在校生占高中段学生的比例达到45%。职业高中学生,从今年开始实行单独统一考试,不参加普通高考报名考试,只参加省规定的对口升学分配指标推荐考试。在农村逐步实行“绿色证书”制度,没有取得“绿色证书”者,不能担任村干部和村民组长。二、搞好城市教育综合改革,大力发展城市职业技术教育。市区内,继续加强政府统筹,对未升学的高初中毕业生全部进行职业技术培训,今年计划培训800人,“八五”末将10个办学点调整为4个大办学点,形成机械、化工、轻工、轻纺、食品5个骨干专业。并把市区政府实行统筹的做法推广到县(市、区) First, do a good job in comprehensive reform of rural education, training a large number of primary and secondary practical technical personnel. The pilot counties for the comprehensive reform of rural education were expanded from one to two; the model township for “Prairie fire” plan was expanded from 6 to 9; on the basis of running the original 14 vocational high schools, 34 rural senior high schools Agricultural high school, so that various types of vocational schools accounted for high school students accounted for 45% of the proportion of students. Vocational high school students, starting from this year to implement a single unified examination, do not participate in the ordinary college entrance examination registration, only to participate in the provincial counterparts recommended entrance exam index. Gradually implement the “green certificate” system in rural areas, without obtaining “green certificate” who can not serve as village cadres and village leaders. Second, do a good job in the comprehensive reform of urban education, vigorously develop urban vocational and technical education. In urban areas, the government will continue to improve its co-ordination and carry out vocational and technical training for all graduates of high school graduates who have not yet graduated from school. This year, 800 students are planned to be trained. At the end of the “Eighth Five-Year Plan” period, 10 school places will be adjusted to 4 large running schools to form a mechanical, Chemical industry, light industry, textile, food 5 backbone professional. And to the implementation of urban government unified planning practices to the county (city, district)
通过多年实验教学获知,泥鳅是观察血流现象比较理想的材料。它不仅获取容易,而且生命力很强。为此我想谈谈关于观察泥鳅尾鳍血流现象应注意的六个问题。 1、泥鳅滑脱应如何