Nitrogen and Phosphorus Loss Law and Emission Reduction Effects Under Water and Fertilizer Managemen

来源 :Journal of Northeast Agricultural University(English Edition | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong575
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To achieve the purpose of reducing farm non-point source pollution,we integrated site specifi c nitrogen management,precise irrigation,controlled drainage,and wetland eco-repair system in dike area of Taihu basin.During investigation,it had given prominence for the water and fertilizer coupling effects of precise irrigation and site specifi c nutrient management,the characteristics of integration on controlled irrigation,controlled drainage and wetland ecosystem non-point source pollution control.Then the water and fertilizer integrated management mode of paddy field was put forward in Taihu basin where the water production efficiency increased to 1.64 kg·m-3,water saved 37.8%,fertilizer use efficiency raised 15.4%,yield raised 10%,and N,P load decreased 26%-72%.The modern agricultural and farmland ecosystems that control and cut down the farm non-point source pollution came into being,which can be a reference by Taihu basin to control its agricultural non-point source pollution and eutrophicated water body. To achieve the purpose of reducing farm non-point source pollution, we integrated site specifi c nitrogen management, precise irrigation, controlled drainage, and wetland eco-repair system in dike area of ​​Taihu basin. Fluid investigation, it had given prominence for the water and fertilizer coupling effects of precise irrigation and site specifi c nutrient management, the characteristics of integration on controlled irrigation, controlled drainage and wetland ecosystem non-point source pollution control.Then the water and fertilizer integrated management mode of paddy field was put forward in Taihu basin where the water production efficiency increased to 1.64 kg · m-3, water saved 37.8%, fertilizer use efficiency raised 15.4%, yield raised 10%, and N, P load decreased 26% -72%. modern agricultural and farmland ecosystems that control and cut down the farm non-point source pollution came into being, which can be a reference by Taihu basin to control its agricultural non-point source pollution and e utrophicated water body.
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