The traditional teaching methods should be cherished

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  Abstract: Nowadays, more and more teachers are trying to find the new teaching methods, but we shouldn’t ignore the traditional methods, because they are valuable and practical. The traditional teaching methods should be cherished.
  Key words: traditional teaching methods Confucius’s ideas modern teaching methods
  With the development of education, teachers pay more attention to searching for the new teaching methods ignoring a lot of traditional methods. But such thought is unacceptable. We should not only develop the traditional methods but also search for some new ones instead.
  Compared with Confucius’ teaching methods, modern education has some problems. At present students are good at memorizing what they have learned from the textbooks or teachers, but they are not in the habit of forming and expressing their own ideas. Their role in the process of learning is more or less a passive one. This is because our educator pays more attention to feeding students with knowledge than to fostering their ability to learn by themselves and to think independently, which leads to mechanical and passive learning, yet not knowing how to use their minds.
  Today’s education is also not teaching students in accordance with their aptitude but teaching students in the same way without discrimination, taking no particular consideration of their different interests and capacities. That means the educators today are more concerned with the amount of knowledge given to students. Educated in this way, students can only inherit from the past without knowing how to develop for the future.
  How to solve these problems in today’s education depends on two things: inheriting some of the traditional methods and developing them; searching for some modern suitable teaching methods.
  In Confucius’ opinion, learning is a process of exploring and understanding of one’s initiative. So it is very important for the students to learn by themselves, the role of the teacher is to guide. Because the knowledge that a teacher can impart to his students is limited, teachers should try hard to foster the students’ ability of perception, that is the ability of cognition by relating new ideas to familiar ideas, the known to the unknown, the surface to the underlying. And then, the students can learn by themselves, which does not mean that the teacher is no longer necessary. Actually, great emphasis is on the teacher’s role in guiding students in the course of study. A good teacher should be skillful in helping and encouraging his students to learn by themselves.
  The role of guiding focuses on two aspects. One is guiding the students to do better in the process of learning. In class, the teacher should help the students cultivate the habit of active thinking, questioning, debating and expressing their thoughts. The other is developing their interest and eagerness in study. The teacher can make full use of modern equipment, such as video, computer and many other different ways to evoke the students.
  Besides this, in Confucius’ ideas, the teacher should teach the students in accordance with their aptitude. Students vary in their individualities, interests, capacities, background of learning, ambitions, life styles and so on. So as a teacher, first, he should believe every students is excellent and each has his own merit, and unique capacity. Then the teacher can accommodate teaching methods to these differences. Different students have different contents to learn, have different demands, different homework, which does not mean one is better than the other. They are just different. Thus the students can build their self-confidence, which is very important in the process of their learning and even in their life.
  Form above, we can see that some of traditional teaching methods are really valuable and practical today. In order to meet the fast development of education, we should search for new ways to surpass what has been achieved in the past, at the same time we should also draw upon historical heritage, which is worth cherishing. Only in this way can our education become more and more advanced.
  1.罗大同:《我国的传统教学法》 湖北大学学报,1980年。
  3.高明天:《二十一世纪我国教学方法变革研究》,西北师范大学, 2001年。
  4.曾 晖:《语言和语言学习本质对大学英语课堂教学方法的启示》西南师范大学,2000年。
  作者简介:张燕歌(1980- ),女,河南平顶山人,助教,本科,主要研究方向为英语语言学。
摘 要:随着现代信息化的快速发展,人教版各科课程都进行了新课程改革。新课程改革后,初中英语课堂更注重于对学生实际运用能力的培养,为不影响教学进度,提升教学质量,我们要更加注重课堂教学,不断探讨英语课堂教学的新思路,将课堂教学作为提升整体教学效果的重要载体[1]。英语是一门语言学科,新课改后越来越注重学生的实际运用能力。对英语的教学首先要突破孩子们的语言瓶颈,初中是孩子们全面接触英语的第一个时期,
摘 要:目前在众多的英语教学活动中遇到学生不配合的现象,这有违新课程教学理念,如何改变这一现象,提升课堂学习的有效性呢?合作互动学习是新课程改革倡导的合作交流学习方式。本文根据英语学科的特点,结合如何科学分组,提高课堂学习有效性进行了阐述。旨在倡导体验、实践、参与、互动的学习方式,让英语课堂真正“活”起来,让每位学生真正“动”起来,提升英语课堂学习有效性。  关键词:科学分组 分工合作 合理
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摘 要: 课堂教学是学校教育教学活动的基本形式,构建有效课堂教学的评价体系,必须贯彻现代教学评价的核心思想。科学化的课堂教学评价能促进学校教学质量的提高,促进教师专业素质的提高,带动学校教科研水平的提高,促使学生的素质得到较好的提高,对进一步加强和深化课改有很强的现实意义。课堂教学的评价策略应有利于学生创新能力的发展,教师不断改善教学实践过程,开发自己的教学潜能,提高教学水平。  关键词: 课堂
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