针对上海地区桩基水平抗震设计问题,收集了相关规范的规定,选取了20个有代表性的工程进行设计校核。在目前工程建设和桩基应用形式的情况下,部分工程中确实存在仅按竖向荷载要求进行布桩后不能满足桩基水平抗震验算要求的情况。因此对设计校核结果进行深入分析,对不满足桩基水平抗震验算建筑物特点进行了分析、归纳;在此基础上,提出上海软土地区在7度抗震设防烈度的要求下,应该进行桩基水平抗震验算并加强桩基水平抗震构造设计,以适应上部结构抗震设计日趋严格和系统的要求。并在上海市《地基基础设计规范》(DGJ 08-11—2010)中明确提出了上海地区桩基水平抗震验算的公式和7条增加桩基水平抗震能力的构造措施。
Aiming at the problem of seismic design of pile foundation in Shanghai area, the rules of relevant specifications were collected and 20 representative projects were selected for checking the design. In the current project construction and the application form of pile foundation, some projects do not meet the requirements of horizontal seismic checking of piles only when the pile is piled according to the vertical load requirements. Therefore, the results of design verification are analyzed in depth, and the characteristics of buildings not satisfying the requirements of horizontal earthquake proofing of pile foundation are analyzed and summarized. On the basis of this, it is proposed that under the requirement of seismic intensity of 7 degrees in Shanghai soft soil area, Base-level seismic checking and strengthening of the pile foundation horizontal seismic design to meet the more stringent superstructure anti-seismic design and system requirements. And in Shanghai “Foundation Design Code” (DGJ 08-11-2010) clearly put forward in Shanghai pile foundation horizontal seismic calculation formula and seven to increase the level of seismic capacity of the pile foundation structure measures.