世界卫生组织总干事陈冯富珍女士说:“I Love Family Medicine(我爱家庭医学)。”她的这句话饱含了对家庭医学的价值和家庭医学对初级保健所做出贡献的高度认可。英国皇家全科医学院前校长、医疗平等的积极倡导者Iona Heath说:“我认为家庭医学是为全世界带来福祉的重要力量。”世界家庭医生组织(WONCA)的创始人之一Prakash Chand Bhatla说:“每一个国家医疗项目都应该有家庭医生的参与。社区的教育和推动需要以个人为基础进行。有谁要比家庭医生更加贴近
Mrs. Margaret Chan, WHO Director-General, said: ”I Love Family Medicine.“ Her statement is full of great recognition of the value of family medicine and the contribution of family medicine to primary care. Iona Heath, former president of the Royal College of General Medicine and an advocate of equality for the health of the population, said: ”I think family medicine is an important force in bringing happiness to the world.“ One of the founders of the WONCA Prakash Chand Bhatla said: ”Every national medical program should have the participation of a family doctor. Community education and promotion needs to be done on an individual basis. Who should be closer to the family doctor