压电陶瓷由于其可以实现纳米级的定位精度,被广泛应用于高精度定位系统和微精细加工等领域。但压电陶瓷微位移系统的固有特性、制造缺陷以及如噪声、振动等使用环境的影响,使得其微动精度难以达到预期的理论要求。为了提高微位移系统的运动的精度,采用灰色预测控制和模糊控制的联合控制方式的方法,分别以输入步进电压10 mv和100 mv的情况下对压电陶瓷微位移系统的运动位移进行实验。灰色预测控制可以在任何环境和未知因素的情况下,可以实现未来态势的控制,属于超前控制,再而模糊控制根据之前采集的数据制定模糊规则和算法,进一步对输入量和反馈量的精确控制,结合各自的优势特点,从而提高压电陶瓷微位移系统的运动精度。通过反复的实验研究,结果使得系统的平均运动精度在两种输入下分别提高了3.5倍和2.7倍。该方法方案大大地改善了压电陶瓷微位移系统的运动精度,具有实际的可行性。
Piezoelectric ceramics are widely used in high-precision positioning systems and microfabrication because of their nanoscale positioning accuracy. However, the inherent characteristics of piezoelectric microdisplacement system, manufacturing defects and such as noise, vibration and other environmental effects, making it difficult to achieve the desired micro-precision theoretical requirements. In order to improve the motion accuracy of the micro-displacement system, the motion of the piezoelectric micro-displacement system was tested under the condition of 10 mv and 100 mv of step input voltage by using the method of joint control of gray prediction control and fuzzy control . Gray predictive control can control the future situation under any circumstance and unknown factors. It belongs to advanced control, and then fuzzy control makes fuzzy rules and algorithms according to the data collected before, and further precisely controls the input and feedback , Combined with their own advantages and characteristics, thereby enhancing the precision of piezoelectric ceramic micro-displacement system. Through repeated experimental studies, the results show that the average motion accuracy of the system is improved by 3.5 times and 2.7 times respectively under the two inputs. The method scheme greatly improves the movement precision of the piezoelectric ceramic micro-displacement system and is practically feasible.