Second, the battalion’s infantry battalion’s anti-armed helicopter capability is capable of infantry battalions, with two major battalions of various guns, bazookas and seatless guns, mortars, portable anti-tank missiles and single-armed shoulder-fired air defense missiles. These weapons, with the exception of single shoulder-fired air defense missiles and antiaircraft machine guns, do not possess air combat capability and are mainly used to deal with ground-based forces and armored vehicles. However, in an emergency, the use of these weapons to deal with helicopter gunships may also achieve some results. From the results of the test, (a) within 600 meters, all guns with a diameter of 7.62 mm can penetrate with ordinary ammunition Armed helicopters without armored protective parts (ie aluminum skin), however, can not penetrate the helicopter armor protection of the key parts. Therefore, a conventional bomb basically poses no threat to a helicopter gunship. 7.62 mm penetrate the bomb within 300 meters, vertical breakdown about 7 mm thick