各省、自治区、直辖市化工厅(局)、十大化工公司、计划单列市化工局(公司)、各化工职防所、有关单位: 化工系统开展“有毒化学品登记管理(毒物登记)”工作以来,已经公布了二批共600种登记管理的毒物名单。在“关于在化工企业开展第二批毒物登记管理工作的通知”(化督安发〈1995〉42号)中,对开展此项工作进行了安排,要求各地于1996年6月底完成全部毒物登记工作。 为了规范地对毒物登记工作进行总结,部于1995年10月初召开了“化工部毒物登记技术指导组会议”。会议认为:毒物登记汇总十分重要,是本次
Chemical industry offices (bureaus), top 10 chemical companies and cities under separate state planning in the chemical industry offices of all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government (chemical bureaus), all chemical protection offices, and relevant units: a chemical system has started the work of registration and management of toxic chemicals (poison registration) , A total of 600 registered poison inventory registered in two batches has been announced. In the “Circular on the Second Batch of Registration and Management of Poisons in Chemical Enterprises” (Kuawu Anfa <1995> No. 42), arrangements were made to carry out this work and required all localities to complete the registration of all toxic substances by the end of June 1996 jobs. In order to standardize the work on the registration of poison, the Ministry held a meeting titled “Technical Guidance Group for Poisons Registration by the Ministry of Chemical Industry” in early October 1995. The meeting considered: Summary of poison registration is very important, this time