1 炼油厂绿化现状茂名石油化工公司炼油厂是我国最大的炼油企业之一,年炼油能力达1350万吨,厂区占地面积2165671m2,有主干道14 条,规划绿化面积737011m2,绿地率为34.0%。近十几年,公司和炼油厂的领导高度重视厂区的园林绿化,将它作为治理企业污染、改善生态环境、造
1 Refinery Greening Status Maoming Petrochemical Company Refinery is one of the largest oil refineries in China with an annual refining capacity of 13.5 million tons. The factory covers an area of 2165671m2 with 14 arterial roads, a planned afforestation area of 737011m2 and a green space rate of 34.0% . In the recent decade, the leaders of the company and the refinery have attached great importance to the plantation of the plantation and used it as a tool to control the pollution of enterprises and improve the ecological environment.