针对油田开发中高含水期机械卡水有效率与成功率较低的问题 ,设计了逐层开采工艺管柱。该管柱使用两种不同类型的开关器与自验封封隔器配套 ,实现了一趟管柱逐级检验封隔器的密封性、验证开关器的开启状态 ,逐级分层开采 ,达到了找油卡水的目的。介绍了该管柱的结构、工艺原理、技术参数等。现场应用 35井次 ,工艺有效率 94.3% ,累计增油 16 2 90 t
Aiming at the problem of low efficiency and success rate of mechanical card water during the high water cut period in oilfield development, the column of the technology of layer by layer mining was designed. The column uses two different types of switches and self-sealing packer supporting the realization of a trip to test the packer seal level by level to verify the switch on the state, step by step stratified mining, to achieve To find the purpose of oil card water. The structure, process principle and technical parameters of the column are introduced. The field application of 35 wells, the process efficiency of 94.3%, cumulative oil 16 2 90 t