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素质教育改革的深入和新课改的颁布,促进各学科在教学方式上都进行了相应的改革。传统的教学对教师的教学和学生的学习都存在很多的束缚,使教师和学生的思维难以得到拓展,创造力、想象力等综合能力难以得到提升,对学生以后的发展产生极大的影响。初中数学教学中,需要学生具有良好的思维能力,因此,教师必须要改变传统的教学方式,在教学中探索出有效的教学模式,提高学生的学习效率和综合能力。要落实新课改对教学的要求,转变教学理念,因材施教,提升整体学生的学习能力,注意培养学生的探究能力和创新能力等。 The deepening of the quality education reform and the promulgation of the new curriculum reform have promoted the reform of all disciplines in their teaching methods. Traditional teaching has a lot of restraints on teachers ’teaching and students’ learning, making it hard for teachers and students to expand their minds, enhancing comprehensive ability such as creativity and imagination, and greatly affecting their future development. In junior high school mathematics teaching, students need to have good thinking skills, therefore, teachers must change the traditional teaching methods, in teaching to explore effective teaching mode, improve students’ learning efficiency and comprehensive ability. To implement the new curriculum reform of teaching requirements, change teaching philosophy, teaching students according to their aptitude, improve the overall learning ability of students, pay attention to develop students’ inquiry ability and innovation ability.
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Objective: To isolate Candida albicans(C. albicans) from the urine of hospitalized patients and assess the virulence factors and antifungal susceptibility profi
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