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烟台第五中学(华侨中学),坐落于烟台市中心——胜利路327号。学校创办于1956年,现拥有三个教学区(含华侨学校),全校共有66个教学班,在校学生达3800人。学校拥有现代化的教学大楼、实验大楼,建有塑胶跑道、人工草坪操场、校园网、电子阅览室,在职教职工196人,是烟台市区历史最悠久、规模最大、师资力量最强、教学设施和育人理念最先进的学校之一。 近年来,学校坚持“以改革促发展”和“办特色学校,创一流业绩”为原则:以挖掘教师和学生内涵需求为突破口;以规范办学为切入点,以信息技术为有利支撑,强化“教学中心和质量生命”意识,学校各项工作呈现高成长性、可持续发展的良好态势教育教学工作皆取得了优异成绩。学校中考成绩连续五年居市区领先地位。2004年中考,实验部有86%的同学考入重点高中,孙守坤同学摘取了中考状元的桂冠。另外,全区共9名学生中考成绩800分以上而五中就占了4名。2004年的全国奥林匹克学科竞赛中,学校有45名同学获奖。其中在物理“奥赛”中,全区的前五名,五中占了3名,特别是李衍博同学进入全省前十名,获得山东省特等奖;在英语“奥赛”中,孙守坤进入全省前十名,并获省最佳听力奖;在生物“奥赛”中,有6名同学获一等奖,是全区学生获奖最多的学校。在文艺体育活动中,学校共有34名同? Yantai Fifth Middle School (Overseas Chinese High School) is located in Yantai City Center - 327 Shengli Road. The school was founded in 1956 and now has three teaching areas (including overseas Chinese schools). The school has 66 classes and 3800 students. The school has a modern teaching building, an experimental building, a plastic runway, a artificial turf playground, a campus network, and an electronic reading room. It has 196 teaching staff and is the oldest, largest, and strongest teacher in Yantai. One of the most advanced schools for facilities and educating people. In recent years, the school has adhered to the principle of “promoting development through reforms” and “characterizing schools with unique characteristics, and creating first-class performance”: to tap the needs of teachers and students as a breakthrough point; to regulate education as an entry point, and to use information technology as an enabling support to strengthen “ The awareness of teaching centers and quality of life, and the school’s various work shows a high growth, sustainable development, good education and teaching work have achieved excellent results. The school entrance exam scored the leading position in the city for five consecutive years. In the 2004 middle school exam, 86% of the students in the Experimental Department were admitted to a key high school. Sun Shoukun’s student won the top prize in the Chinese exam. In addition, a total of 9 students in the district had scored 800 points in the exam and 4 in the fifth. In the 2004 National Olympic Competition, 45 students won the award. Among the physical “Olympics”, the top five in the district and three in five accounted for 3, in particular, Li Yanbo’s classmates entered the top ten in the province and received the Shandong provincial special award. In English “Olympics”, Sun Shoukun entered the province. The top ten winners were awarded the Best Provincial Hearing Award. Among the biological “Olympics”, 6 students won the first prize and were the most awarded students in the district. In the cultural and sports activities, there are 34 schools in the same school?
汪曾祺在《炒米和焦屑》一文中写道:“炒米是各地都有的。但是很多地方都做成了炒米糖。这是很便宜的食品。孩子买了,咯咯地嚼着。”?多暖心的文字。  小时候,到了腊月,母亲就会把碾米筛下的碎米攒起来,装进罐子里,留兑糖丝。冬阳惨淡,我们背着米袋子,跑几里路,到镇上粮管所兑糖丝。一路上总是累得人仰马翻。一想起喷香的炒米糖,脚下不知哪儿又冒出劲儿来。  深冬里家家准炸上几伙炒米,用来熬炒米糖和花生糖。随着炸
一、齐抓共管,形成写字教学管理体系  学校成立了写字指导小组,形成校长挂帅,教导处(实施)和教科室(研究)配合管理,书法教师指导,班主任和其他各科教师配合,各班学生成员为活动主体的能力优化组合的写字教学管理体系。  二、完善制度,确保写字教学有序开展  学校根据实际情况,探索有效的管理制度和评价制度,制定了《写字星级班集体评比条例》《硬笔字段位大赛评定机制》等规章制度,保证了学校写字教学工作的积极