
来源 :校园英语·月末 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:newlinge
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  【Abstract】Nowadays, television programs are crucial for information study and exchange worldwide. Since one of the distinctive features of the American TV series Friends is its humorous dialogues, the research target of this paper is the pun in the subtitling of Friends for its plenty of examples to explore. Therefore, this paper makes a deep analysis of some representative puns in Friends under functional equivalence theory, as well as a little contribution to cross-cultural communication.
  【Key words】pun; functional equivalence theory; English-Chinese translation
  Ⅰ. Introduction
  People are gradually getting familiar with more foreign TV programs due to their strong desire and need to know the outside world. As a vital part in TV programs, subtitling helps the audience to have a better understanding of the plot. Therefore, this paper is to improve mutual learning and understanding between people from two different cultures.
  Ⅱ. Theoretical Frameworks
  2.1 The Definition of Pun
  According to The Oxford English Dictionary, pun is defined as the use of a word in such a way as to suggest two or more meanings or different associations, or the use of two or more words of the same or neatly the same sound with different meanings, so as to produce a humorous effect. (1989:832)
  2.2 The Definition of Functional Equivalence Theory
  Eugene A. Nida puts forward his interpretation of functional equivalence in his Language and culture: Context in Translating (2001:87): a term used to refer to the type of equivalence reflected in a TT which seeks to adapt the function of the original to suit the specific context in and for which it was produced.
  Ⅲ. Pun Translation in Friends under Functional Equivalence Theory
  3.1 Lexical Equivalence
  Example: Phoebe: Hey, you guys, you know what Larry would say? He would say, “See you ladle.”
  In this example, Danny just borrows a ladle from Monica and Rachel’s apartment. After he leaves, Phoebe says that because “See you later.” and “See you ladle.” sound very alike. The humor arises. The translator also shows the similar pronunciation by “稍后见” and “勺后见” in Chinese translation, so it should be considered as a successful translation.
  3.2 Sentence Equivalence
  Joey: What’s wrong buddy?
  Ross: Someone at work ate my sandwich!
  Chandler: Well, what did the police say?   喬伊:你怎么了,哥们?
  Ross has been in a bad mood because of his marriage failures and troubles at work. He almost goes nuts when someone eats his sandwich, which he thinks is the only good thing going on in his life. But Chandler thinks it’s no big deal and teases him by asking what the police says. “偷吃了” shows the effect of the past action on Ross’s sandwich and achieves sentence equivalence.
  3.3 Stylistic Equivalence
  Monica: Say good-bye to sore muscles!
  Chandler: Good-bye muscles!
  Monica brags about her massages and proudly tells Chandler to say goodbye to sore muscles. But she is doing extremely hard and Chandler is gasping in pain. So he says goodbye to “muscles” instead of “sore muscles”, which gives a satire effect. The Chinese subtitling keeps the same style as the English subtitling.
  Ⅳ. Conclusion
  Foreign television programs enrich people’s daily life and keep us closer to a variety of cultures around the world, so this paper lays an emphasis on the pun in the subtitling of Friends and pun’s classification in terms of four aspects of Nida’s theory. This paper is just a preliminary study on puns and hopefully it will shed light upon the research of pun translation. So further and deeper researches on pun translation are needed.
  [1]The Oxford English Dictionary[M]. Oxford: Clarendon Press,1989, Vol.XII:832.
【摘要】英语是一门语言类学科,教学语言类学科最主要的就是培养学生在听、说、读、写四个方面的能力。在素质教育的背景下,英语教学需要教师以学生为主体,并根据教学内容,选择学生感兴趣的教学方式,充分发挥学生在课堂的主观能动性,从多个方面培养学生的语言能力。  【关键词】小学英语;语言能力;提升  【作者简介】马文婷,银川西夏德胜小学。  在全球化的背景下,英语作为一门国际通用语言,其重要想不言而喻。长期
【摘要】将人工智能技术应用于高职英语教学互动当中,推动着教学模式创新的步伐,改变了学生的学习方式,同时,有效的提高了课堂效率。本文就人工智能技术在高职英语教学互动中的运用为研讨对象,对其具体的实施策略进行简单的论述。  【关键词】人工智能;高职英语;实施策略  【作者简介】吴敏,西安铁路职业技术学院。  随着人工智能技术的出现,标志着人们的文明又进入了一个新纪元,随之而来的是各种高科技产物,如电子
【摘要】英语写作是学生在高中英语学习中重要的一个环节,学生的英语写作能力是在学习英语中必须掌握的一项学习英语的能力。我对于高中生的英语写作困难的这一现象,讲述了在高中英语阅读的教学中“以读促写”这一教学策略,以读促写这一教学方式可以很好的激发学生们对英语写作的兴趣,从而有效地帮助学生们改善写作难这种写作状况。  【关键词】以读促写;高中英语教学  英语阅读是英语这门语言输入的一个重要环节,则英语写
【摘要】在互联网 背景下,开放英语教育对学生的自主学习能力提出了更高的要求。本文根据开放教育学生的自主学习发展现状,阐述分析了信息技术支持下英语教学的过程,并就此提出了自主学习能力发展的策略建议。  【关键词】开放教育;自主学习;教学实践  【作者简介】张洁(1984.06-),女,浙江湖州人,湖州职业技术学院旅游与公共管理学院公共英语教研室讲师,硕士,研究方向:英语教学。  【基金项目】本文系2
【摘要】在小学的教学工作中,英语作为三大主要科目之一,其教学质量一直受到了老师和家长的关注。而随着新课改的不断深入,对于学生个人能力和英语应用能力的要求越来越高,传统的教学方法已经不再适用于当前的教学环境。因此在这种情况下,如何进行小学英语的教学工作,就成为了我们作为任课教师应该去研究和探讨的问题。所以,本文从实际出发,结合笔者多年的教学经验和课堂实践,探讨新课改下小学英语高效性教学的开展。  【
【摘要】以核心素养为主导的新课程背景下,学生的语言能力、文化品格、思维品质、学习能力等四个方面被确立为英语核心素养。基于英语课堂的现实基础,将其核心素养落地生根,实施到具体的实践教学中,需要教师转变教学观念、更新教育方法。五步教学法旨在提高英语教学的有效性、更好地培养学生终生素养、促进英语教学交流。  【关键词】英语;核心素养;五步教学法  【作者简介】刘海国(1975.07-),男,汉族,甘肃康
【摘要】小学生的好奇心与好动性比较强,注意力很难长时间集中在一件事物之上,小学英语教师需要结合小学生的各项特征来开展词汇教学活动,增强词汇课堂教学的趣味性,提高学生参与英语词汇教学的自主性与积极性。笔者是一名小学英语教师,在英语教育工作中不断地总结经验和教训,本文针对提高小学英语词汇教学有效性的方法展开分析,望提供一定的借鉴。  【关键词】小学;英语;词汇;教学;方法  【作者简介】颉银花,甘肃省
【摘要】英语动画是学生英语学习的优秀教学素材。笔者在教学实践中探索了基于英语原声动画的小学视听说课教学的探究,通过借助英语原声动画开设视听说课,提升学生的英语听说能力,学习英语文化,提升学生的英语核心素养。  【关键词】英语原声动画;英语核心素养  【作者简介】黄碧贤,中山市东区远洋学校。  王蔷教授指出:当前的主要任务是分析与反思制约学生核心素养发展的突出问题,重构教学内容,优化教学方式。新课标