Characteristics of machined surface controlled by cutting tools and conditions in machining of britt

来源 :Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hcpysw3
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One of the ultra-precision machining methods was adapted for brittle material as well as soft material by using multi-arrayed diamond tips and high speed spindle. Conventional machining method is too hard to control surface roughness and surface texture against brittle material because the particles of grinding tools are irregular size and material can be fragile. Therefore, we were able to design tool paths and machine controlled pattern on surface by multi-arrayed diamond tips with uniform size made in MEMS fabrication and high speed spindle, and the maximum speed was about 3×105 r/min. We defined several parameters that can affect the machining surface. Those were multi-array of diamond tips (n×n), speed of air spindle and feeding rate. The surface roughness and surface texture can be controlled by those parameters for micro machining. One of the ultra-precision machining methods was adapted for brittle material as well as soft material by using multi-arrayed diamond tips and high speed spindle. Conventional machining method is too hard to control surface roughness and surface texture against brittle material because of particles grinding tools are irregular size and material can be fragile. Therefore, we were able to design tool paths and machine controlled pattern on the surface by multi-arrayed diamond tips with uniform size made in MEMS fabrication and high speed spindle, and the maximum speed was about 3 × 105 r / min. We were multi-array of diamond tips (n × n), speed of air spindle and feeding rate. The surface roughness and surface texture can be controlled by those parameters for micro machining.
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【摘要】图书馆员的职业能力是每个图书馆人有待提高的问题。本文就职业能力的内涵,职业能力与信息资源、馆员素质的关系发表个人看法,并对怎样提高图书馆员的职业能力提出了可行性建议。  【关键词】图书馆职业能力信息能力馆员素质培养方法    一、教学设计理念  新课程标准倡导的是学生学习方式上的自主性、探究性、合作性,以培养学生创新精神和实践能力为核心目标,以及搜集和处理信息的能力、获得新知识的能力、分析
CNT/Fe/Al2O3 mixed powders were synthesized from Fe/Al2O3 nanopowders using thermal CVD for the homogeneous dispersion of carbon nanotubes CNTs. CNTs consisted
【摘要】 电视节目模板已在世界上形成了巨大的产业,但人们对它的认识和法律保护仍然是一个巨大的分歧。在所有现有的法律框架中,虽然相关法律保护了电视节目模板的某些元素,但对于电视模板作为一个整体而言,不在版权法的保护标准范围内,所以很难被反不正当竞争法保护。这直接导致了对电视节目的侵权行为的泛滥和对法律救济手段的缺乏。现实与法律之间的矛盾,引发了人们对“思想与表达二分法”原则以及电视节目模板的著作权保
苏联教育家苏霍姆斯林斯基曾说:“良好的情感是在童年时期形成的,如果童年蹉跎,失去的将无法弥补。”由此可见,对幼儿进行感恩教育有利于培养幼儿的爱心和同情心,幼儿若常怀感恩之心,对其今后和谐人际关系的建立有重要的作用。  当前,许多家长偏向于重视培养孩子的知识能力,却忽视了孩子品德与情感的培养。感恩是种美德,是一种良好的生活态度,不懂得感恩的人是情感缺失,心理不健康的人。如果任由这样发展下去,则以后在