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  约翰·吉尔博, 伦敦大学学院生殖健康荣誉教授,理想人口信托组织主席。
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  马修·康纳利,哥伦比亚大学历史系副教授,《Fatal Misconception》的作者。
  Mike: Welcome to the program everybody.
  I’m looking now at an on-line world’s population counter. The number is 6,853,476,102…103…4…5…6…. It’s a big number and growing as you can hear. Figures out this week from the United Nations predict that in the year 2050, that population clock will tick over to 9.15 billion. But is today’s global population too big? John Guillebaud.
  John Guillebaud: Yes, it is, as a short answer. Basically we have a
  1)finite planet: 70% of it is salt water and half of the rest is mountain and desert. And there has to be a limit to the number of humans, particularly when you remember what humans do: we are 2)innately “environment trashers” and we cannot have... just by the way we live, while we use resources and create pollution, and the world could suffer 3)inexorable damage,
  4)irreversible damage, from too many environment trashers.
  Mike: Matthew Connelly, can I ask you to answer the same question: Is today’s global population too big? Is there a problem?
  Matthew Connelly: No, I don’t think so. I mean, if you ask someone, almost anyone, “Do you think you in particular shouldn’t be here? If so, then when are you leaving? ”I think most of us would say, “No, we’re quite happy to be alive.” Most of us, I think, would agree that when parents choose to have children, they’re usually in the best position to know whether they should have children or not. When we try to make those choices for them, governments almost always do a worse job than parents do, and that’s why we have to give parents the choice.
  Mike: We will come onto that a little later, but, just for a moment, let me come back to this question of how many is too many. John Guillebaud, I wonder, does the
  5)Optimum Population Trust have a figure for the world’s optimum population?
  John: No, we don’t. We don’t have an actual figure. We…we would say that, based on the Worldwide Fund for Nature’s “Living Planet Report”, which shows that in 2007, the most recent figures, we needed one and a half years to 6)regenerate the resources of cropland, 7)fisheries and woodland. In other words, we are already 50% over-consuming. We…we’re in 8)overshoot mode.
  Matthew: Well, John, is that the “9)Royal We”? I mean, when you say that there are too many of us, I mean, are you including yourself, are you including your children?
  John: Totally including.
  Matthew: Okay.
  John: Totally including myself.
  Matthew: If I could just…I mean, I…I…that’s not the end of the question. Is the “Royal We” including all of those who live in the UK who consume, per 10)capita, 25 times as many resources as the average person in Bangladesh? Are there too many Britons in particular? Is it the resource...the “environmental wasters”, as you refer to them, who begin…who need to begin to…to limit their numbers?
  John: Absolutely! Yes!
  Matthew: If so…if so, then well, where to begin…
  John: It’s all of us. It’s all of us.
  Matthew: I mean, how are you going to persuade your
  11)countrymen to have fewer children? And if they don’t do it, what then? What are your plans? Because in the past, people who have made your arguments, have said that if it’s not enough to persuade people then you have to begin to 12)coerce them: you have to tax children, or perhaps you even have to give licenses out to give people the right to have children…
  John: Optimum Population Trust stands for 13)family planning for rich people. We think that one… that every family should have one less child in the rich world—If you’re going to have six, have five; if you’re going to have three, have two. Because that child, listen to me Matt, will consume three million miles worth, in terms of reduction of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases of…of 14)fossil fuels in their lifetime. So I’m for family planning for every human on the planet, but it’s voluntary.
  Mike: I think it’s time for us to… there’s been quite a lot of heat. I’d like to spend a little time now on a different
  15)facet of the population problem: the 16)flip side. The latest figures show 17 countries with negative population growth rates; the number of residents falling. By the year 2050, according to UN estimates, there’ll be 25 million fewer people in Japan than there are now, down from 127 to 102 million.
  Matthew, I’d like to ask you what you think are the consequences of some nations having a falling population, and by definition, an aging one, while others continue to rise and rise rapidly.
  Matthew: Well, this is exactly why I’m so passionate about how it’s a mistake to begin setting population targets; why I think it really has to be about letting parents choose for themselves how many children they should have and not getting into the position of having governments or international organizations or even NGOs trying to either coerce or even persuade parents to have more or fewer children. The reason for that is that there’re already some 65 countries that have 17)fertility rates that are too low to replace the current generation of working adults.
  Mike: I think it’s worth remembering before we leave that, for the 18)overwhelming majority of parents at the bedside now, each of these is a great cause for joy and perhaps a future winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, a talented engineer or a musician or a medical researcher who’ll prevent pain and save lives. Let me ask you all very briefly whether you think we should share in that joy. John, first.
  John: Just quickly taking your last point, I’m afraid if we go on having those many billions extra, what’s to stop having extra Gengis Khans and Hitlers and everything else? (Laughter) I’m afraid that doesn’t give the answer.
  Mike: Okay, fair enough.
  John: Let me… let me finish up by saying this. (laughter) As far as I’m concerned, the bottom line is this: family planning could bring more benefits to more people at less cost than any other single technology now available to the human race. That was said by James Grant of UNICEF in 1992, and he went on to say this would still be true if we actually didn’t think about the environment, if we just thought about poor women being forced 19)coercively by the absence of the resource of family planning to have more children than they want and to die. MDG-5 is about 20)maternal 21)mortality, and about one in three of those who are dying as a result of 22)pregnancy didn’t want the pregnancy that killed them.
  Mike: Okay. Matthew Connelly, should we share in the joy?
  Matthew: Oh, absolutely, Mike! I mean, what you just heard from John I think is exactly why most people in most countries, when they hear what the people like the Optimum Population Trust really plan for them, go running out of the room; go screaming out of the room, because he begins by talking about how his fellow human beings are “environment wasters” and he finishes by saying that instead of re…greeting with joy the birth of new children, we should think of them as potential Hitlers. So that’s exactly why you don’t want a man like this in charge of making decisions. Instead you want parents to be able to decide for themselves whether and how many children they would want.
  马修·康纳利:不,我不这么认为。我的意思是,你随便去问谁,任何一个人,“你觉得你自己不该留在这世上吗?如果是这样,那你打算什么时候离开呢?” 我想我们大部分人都会回答说:“才不呢,我们活着挺开心的。”我想,我们大多数人都有这样的同感,一对夫妻决定要孩子的时候,他们通常是最清楚自己该不该这么做的。如果代替这些父母作这样的抉择,可以说,哪个政府都不会比父母们做得好,所以我们得把选择权留给父母们。
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