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王士禛《秋柳诗》具有独特的文学史意义。本文在吉川氏“新美说”的基础上,从思想内涵和社会影响两方面对这一问题展开讨论。总体来说,《秋柳诗》在继承遗民诗悼明、怀旧主题的基础上,对顺治末年的社会心理做了细腻而深入的揭示。既展现出当时沉闷的社会气氛,又透露出打破这种沉闷的渴望;既充满了对清初士人群体的关心和同情,又包含着对自我未来的思考和探究。其情感和内涵,切中了时代脉搏、契合了社会心理,为其赢得了社会各界,尤其是遗民群体的广泛支持。其含蓄的艺术表现、温和的情感基调,顺应了顺康之际统治上层对文化变革的需求,对其政坛和诗坛地位的取得,打下了坚实的基础。 Wang Shih-t’e “Autumn Willow Poems” Has Unique Significance in Literary History. On the basis of Yoshikawa’s “New Beauty Theory”, this article discusses the issue from the aspects of ideological connotation and social influence. Generally, on the basis of inheriting the poems of Miao and Nostalgia of the surviving people, The Poems of Autumn Willow makes a detailed and in-depth disclosure of the social psychology of Shunzhi in the late years. It not only showed the dull social atmosphere at that time, but also revealed the desperate desire to break it. It not only filled with the concern and sympathy for the literati group in the early Qing Dynasty, but also included the thinking and exploration of the self-future. Its emotion and connotation, cut the pulse of the times, fit the social psychology, won its wide support from all walks of life, especially the group of herdsmen. Its subtle artistic expression and mild emotional tone are in conformity with the demands of the upper strata on cultural change during the Shun-Kang period, laying a solid foundation for its political and poetic status.
<正> 忌弃阳存阴消渴一证古今多以阴虚燥热为致病之本,而分三消论治,其用药也大都以甘寒苦寒而避忌温热通利之品,故后世用肾气丸治消渴往加减用药上常弃阳(桂枝、附子)而存阴
目的 :  分析传统抗精神病药物致高泌乳素血症的精神分裂症 (schizophreniaSP)康复者体内泌乳素 (ProlactinPRL)水平对血清睾酮 (TestosteroneT)、雌二醇 (EstradioEI)、促