也许业界人士对去年底在“96’北京国际电动及替代燃料汽车研讨展示会”期间在长城饭店展示的电动轿车EV1——一辆流线外型、蓝色的双座跑车印象不浅。 这种电动轿车加速极快,从静止到90脉只需9秒钟。在一瞬间,人会感到飞机起飞的那种被压在坐椅上的压力。赛车般的外形设计使EV1的风阻系数达到了令人惊讶的0.19。据说它的样车曾经创造了时速293公里的电动汽车陆地车速的世界纪录。 有人把电动汽车称为21世纪世界车坛的主角,其实,早在1835年,世界上第一辆电动汽车就已问世,比燃油汽车早了整整半个世纪。 这种“大器晚成”的轿车去年12月5日在北京展示的同一天,开始在美国的洛杉矶、凤凰城等四个城市正式销售。 这也许是1996年火爆的世界汽车市场的一个缩影。
Maybe the industry is impressed by the EV1, a sleek, blue sports car that was demonstrated at the Great Wall Hotel at the end of last year at “96 Beijing International Electric and Alternative Fuel Vehicle Seminar and Exhibition.” This electric car accelerates very fast, from rest to 90 only 9 seconds. In a flash, one would feel the pressure on the chair that the airplane took off. The racing-like form factor has made the EV1’s drag coefficient astonishing at 0.19. It is said that its prototype has created a world record of 293 km / h on land vehicle speed. Some people call the electric car the 21st century world car protagonist, in fact, as early as 1835, the world’s first electric car has come out, a full half a century earlier than the fuel car. This “late bloomer” sedan was officially on sale on the same day that it was displayed in Beijing on December 5 last year, in the four cities of Los Angeles and Phoenix in the United States. This may be a microcosm of the hot world car market in 1996.