1978年,我5岁,虽然我是女孩,但宠爱我的长辈仍然送给我一支奢侈的装电池的玩具枪,至今它保存如新。所有拥有那个时代童年记忆的人都会了解玩具的匮乏和哪怕是一把简单的木制手枪所能带来的乐趣。1999年,我将26岁,从事这个国家里可能最为朝阳的行业IT行业。就在不久前,我惭愧地从网上得知一个由世界儿童召开“JUNIOR SUMMIT”(儿童高峰会)网上会议已经在MIT(美国麻省
In 1978, I was 5 years old. Although I was a girl, my elder who loved me still gave me a luxury battery-guns toy gun. Anyone who has a childhood memory of that era understands the lack of toys and the pleasures that even a simple wooden pistol can bring. In 1999, I was 26 years old and was working in the IT industry in the industry that is probably the most sunrise in this country. Not long ago, I was ashamed to learn from the Internet that an online conference on “JUNIOR SUMMIT” (children’s summit) held by children in the world has been held at MIT (Massachusetts,