一、深受西北高原各族人民喜爱的“花儿” “花儿”又称“少年”,是流传于我国青海、甘肃、宁夏等省的一种民歌,她是我国民歌中的一束奇葩。它具有独特的风格,纯粹是劳动人民的艺术创作。她是西北高原上的回、汉、藏、撒拉、土、东乡、保安、裕固等各族劳动人民最喜闻乐唱的,不论是七八十岁的老汉,五六岁的小孩,男男女女都会唱。特别是山里的牧童,田里的农民,黄河沿上的皮筏客,长路上的脚户哥,更是他们所喜爱的东西。正如著名花儿演唱家朱仲禄所说:“这里既没经反动统治阶级的改篡,也未经所谓文人们的修饰,她完全属于劳动人民。”因此,“花儿”不但反映出各族人民在各个历史时期所经历的荣衰苦乐、悲欢离合,而且反映出他们的心理素质和民族情操、道德观念、伦理观念、审美理想及风土人情等。通过“花儿”能如实地反映出时代的面貌,揭示出劳动人民的生活
First, by the people of all nationalities in the Northwest Plateau favorite “flowers” “flowers”, also known as “juvenile”, is spread in China’s Qinghai, Gansu, Ningxia and other provinces of a folk song, she is a wonderful bouquet of folk songs . It has a unique style, purely artistic creation of working people. She is the most beloved musician of the working people of all ethnic groups in the northwestern plateau, such as Hui, Han, Tibetan, Salar, Earth, Dongxiang, security guard and Yugur. Both urban and rural residents in their 70s and 80s, children in their fifties and sixties, sing. Especially the shepherd boy in the mountains, the peasants in the fields, the raft people along the Yellow River, and the brother-in-law on the long road are more their favorite things. As the famous flower singer Zhu Zhonglu said: “There is neither a change in the name of the reactionary ruling classes nor the modification of so-called literati, and she belongs entirely to working people.” Therefore, “Flowers” not only reflects the people of all ethnic groups The ups and downs of happiness, sorrows and joys and sorrows experienced in various historical periods reflect their psychological qualities and national sentiments, moral values, ethical concepts, aesthetic ideals and local customs and practices. Through the “flowers” can faithfully reflect the face of the times, reveals the working people’s lives