近期在纽约现代艺术博物馆举办的德·库宁回顾展(De kooning:ARetrospective)是对德·库宁近七十年艺术创作的梳理和总结。展览将MoMA整个六层的空间填充得满满当当,公共和私人收藏的作品完整的呈现了这位才华横溢的艺术家多产的创作历程。
The recent De kooning: ARetrospective at the Museum of Modern Art in New York is a review and summary of De Kuenin’s nearly 70-year artistic creation. The exhibition filled the entire six-story MoMA with a full-fledged space filled with works by public and private collectors that fully captivated the productive work of this talented artist.