"Cats Western Restaurant" is located in the corner of downtown. This unassuming①restaurant will connect with another world on Saturday. They receive guests and visitors of different origin , culture a
"Cats Western Restaurant" is located in the corner of downtown. This unassuming①restaurant will connect with another world on Saturday. They receive guests and visitors of different origin , culture and race, and let them enjoy the delicious food together. In the interaction between another world and our world, the host and guests, the guests and meal, we can fi nd the warm encounter. It does not matter whether you were human, elf or even dragon, please enjoy your meal in our restaurant.
All the encounters② in this world are long lost reunions of another kind. 世間所有的相遇, 都是久别重逢。 I wish whoever loves me have someone by his side. I wish whoever I love could also like me back. 我希望爱我的
A vagrant① scent woke her though it soon melted into the trees. She had been dreaming of reading the paper in a foreign country. Words filtered② through her haltingly③ since she did not really know th
"My English is not good. Spoken English is very difficult. But I want to study at Columbia so I am trying to improve. I decided to come to America because of Forrest Gump. I’ve watched the movie five
Ronnie Goodman是一名五十多岁的流浪汉,他曾经坐过牢、流过浪,甚至时刻与死亡做斗争。然而服刑出狱后,Ronnie不曾放弃对美好生活的追求,他开始打工、参加社区学校的美术课程,还有跑步。2014年,他成为旧金山马拉松比赛最意想不到的参赛者。 When I’m running I feel like I’m not there, I feel like I am somewhere el
I love three things in this world. Sun, moon and you. Sun for morning, moon for night, and you forever. I’d rather share one lifetime with you, than face all the ages of this world alone. 浮世万千,吾爱有三。
At the 4th anniversary concert, having blue hair, he wowed the audience with his solo performance of covering②Jacky’s song Accident, which let us see the growth and transformation of this handsome boy
When fl owers herald① spring again, Why won’t my lord come back with fl owers as before? Now spring begins to wane②; I’ve broken all is willow twigs③ before the door. Heaven above Tells you to l
It had been snowing all night, not a single star in sight. My roommate and I , each wrapped① in a quilt②, were seated far apart in a different corner of the porch, facing each other and chatting away③
"I’m practicing French now. I want to move to Europe so I can force myself to start over①. I have a nine-to-six job. It’s a good position. They pay me well. I love my team. But everything just feels s
I recall① that year under fl owers blooming Late at night The fair one and I had the fi rst meeting. In the water pavilion② behind the west screen hanging low Hand in hand we secretly pledged③ ou