假货,中国的“世纪之祸”。 假冒伪劣商品的肆虐、猖獗、泛滥,使我国的信誉遭遇严峻挑战。在境外因假货而引发的投诉率呈逐年上升趋势,在境内祸及投资环境,影响外商投资的现象普遍存在,国人对假货更是恨之入骨。2000年10月至2001年1月轰轰烈烈地开展的全国打假联合行动,是正义与邪恶的较量、道德与良心的审判。 中国政府撒下天罗地网 处在世纪更迭的中国,全国打假联
Fake goods, China’s “century disaster.” The rampant, rampant and flooding of counterfeit and shoddy goods has made our country’s credibility face severe challenges. The rate of complaints caused by counterfeit goods overseas has been on the rise year after year. The phenomenon of foreign investment is widespread in the country and the investment environment, and people are even more skeptical about counterfeits. The national anti-counterfeiting joint action launched vigorously from October 2000 to January 2001 is a trial of justice and evil, morality, and conscience. The Chinese Government has laid down the Tian Luo Di Network in a century-changing China.