Mr Tao Xingzhi once said: Education can only function through life and become a real education. Visible life not only with art, but also with education more closely. One of the important concepts advocated by the new curriculum is that teaching should be close to the students’ life so that teaching becomes real, natural and the most artistic. Children’s life world is a series of fresh facts and vivid feelings build a world, is colorful. For primary school music classroom teaching, leaving life is lost vitality, life is full of vitality. In teaching according to the actual needs of teaching, starting from the creation of life situations, the use of life experience to support, to search for life material, and finally applied to the reality of life, students in a series of life experiences, learning interest and motivation to continue to ease Master the knowledge and skills of music, get the experience of aesthetic pleasure, learning is no longer a boring task must be completed, but an entertaining activity.