例子是教科书中的重要组成部分。在高中《生物》(甲种本)中,主要例证有165个。约占全书总字数的1/3。这些例子大致可分为六种类型:1.生物概念(64例);2.生理功能(36例);3.生产实践(23例);4.生态系统(16例);5.生物进化(5例);6.其他(21例)。正确举例有助于增强教学效果 1.帮助学生对基础知识的理解。如讲“遗传和变异”时,让学生开展搜集家族、亲友、邻居遗传事例活动,经整理公布于众。要求学生运用所学遗传理论进行解释。以例证文,以文解
Examples are an important part of textbooks. In the high school Biology (A), there are 165 main examples. About 1/3 of the total number of words in the book. These examples can be broadly divided into six types: 1. Biological concepts (64 cases); 2. Physiological functions (36 cases); 3. Production practices (23 cases); 4. Ecosystems (16 cases); (5 cases); 6 others (21 cases). Correct examples help to enhance teaching effectiveness 1. To help students understand the basics. In the case of “Genetics and Variation,” let students carry out activities of collecting genetic events of family, relatives and friends, and neighbors, and make them public. Ask students to apply the genetic theory to explain. To illustrate the text, to explain