11月初,香港贸易发展局与印度会展促进机构签署合作备忘录,旨在加强双方在会展领域的合作,促进中小企业进入对方市场。香港贸易发展局行政总监Margaret Fong表示,“签署合作备忘录反映了香港和印度建立更密切商务联系的愿望。对印度企业而言,香港是进入中国内地和其他亚洲市场的重要门户;同时,香港企业也看到了印度市场的重大商机。”
UFI 2017可持续发展大奖申请进行中
France applied to host 2015 World Expo
On 22 November, French president Fran?ois Hollande submitted the application to the Bureau International des Expositions to host the 2015 World Expo. He emphasized that this is also the will of the entire France, and that many major cities have expressed the willingness to organize related forums to contribute to the World Expo. The theme French proposed is: knowledge sharing for protecting the earth.
HKTDC signed MoU with ITPO for deeper business links
The Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with its counterpart in India, the India Trade Promotion Organisation (ITPO) to strengthen economic partnership between Hong Kong and India and increase bilateral commercial activity, especially for small and mediumsized enterprises from both places. “This MoU reflects the growing desire for deeper business links between India and Hong Kong, with our city serving as the gateway to the Chinese mainland and Asia for Indian companies. At the same time, Hong Kong enterprises see huge opportunities in India,” said Margaret Fong, Executive Director, HKTDC.
2017 UFI Sustainable Development Award calls for entry
UFI has announced the theme of the 2017 UFI Sustainable Development Award competition: “Best destination approach to implementing sustainability: how can the exhibition industry and a country, region or city work together to facilitate sustainable development?”. Open to all companies in the exhibition industry, the 2017 award is designed to recognise initiatives that combine the efforts of a destination (city, region or country level) in partnership with a professional exhibition operator (venue and/or organiser) to implement sustainability around an individual exhibition or a series of events.
11月初,香港贸易发展局与印度会展促进机构签署合作备忘录,旨在加强双方在会展领域的合作,促进中小企业进入对方市场。香港贸易发展局行政总监Margaret Fong表示,“签署合作备忘录反映了香港和印度建立更密切商务联系的愿望。对印度企业而言,香港是进入中国内地和其他亚洲市场的重要门户;同时,香港企业也看到了印度市场的重大商机。”
UFI 2017可持续发展大奖申请进行中
France applied to host 2015 World Expo
On 22 November, French president Fran?ois Hollande submitted the application to the Bureau International des Expositions to host the 2015 World Expo. He emphasized that this is also the will of the entire France, and that many major cities have expressed the willingness to organize related forums to contribute to the World Expo. The theme French proposed is: knowledge sharing for protecting the earth.
HKTDC signed MoU with ITPO for deeper business links
The Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with its counterpart in India, the India Trade Promotion Organisation (ITPO) to strengthen economic partnership between Hong Kong and India and increase bilateral commercial activity, especially for small and mediumsized enterprises from both places. “This MoU reflects the growing desire for deeper business links between India and Hong Kong, with our city serving as the gateway to the Chinese mainland and Asia for Indian companies. At the same time, Hong Kong enterprises see huge opportunities in India,” said Margaret Fong, Executive Director, HKTDC.
2017 UFI Sustainable Development Award calls for entry
UFI has announced the theme of the 2017 UFI Sustainable Development Award competition: “Best destination approach to implementing sustainability: how can the exhibition industry and a country, region or city work together to facilitate sustainable development?”. Open to all companies in the exhibition industry, the 2017 award is designed to recognise initiatives that combine the efforts of a destination (city, region or country level) in partnership with a professional exhibition operator (venue and/or organiser) to implement sustainability around an individual exhibition or a series of events.