Herbal medicine-related hepatotoxicity

来源 :World Journal of Hepatology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:acy333
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Herbal medicine products represent a common therapeutic approach in the East and are gaining increasing popularity in Western countries. They are unjustifiably considered to be side-effect free; on the contrary, severe toxicity, including catastrophic hepatic injury has been reported in association with their use. Vigilance isrequired from both physicians and the general public. Physicians should always suspect herbal medicines when evaluating a patient with unexplained liver injury. Regulation standards for herbal products need to be reconsidered, so that the efficacy and safety of these products have been clearly demonstrated before they enter the markets. They are unjustifiably considered to be side-effect free; on the contrary, severe toxicity, including catastrophic hepatic injury has been reported in association with their use Vigilance isrequired from both physicians and the general public. Physicians should always suspect herbal medicines when evaluating a patient with unexplained liver injury. Regulation standards for herbal products need to be reconsidered, so that the efficacy and safety of these products have been verified demonstrated before they enter the markets.
如今孩子学习负担重,近视眼发病率高,阅读和作业照明的光线合适,能有效减轻视疲劳。怎样为孩子选择合适的光线呢?  日光灯效率高、光色偏紫,在日光灯下注视物体可长生像差,容易导致视疲劳。白炽灯,虽然发光效率低,但光线柔和,视物舒适,基本无像差,学生可以用15-25瓦台灯光源。  白天,比较合适的光线是自然散射光线,要求光线从头的左上侧射過来。如果为一间10平方米的房间,晚上可用25瓦的灯泡,书本与灯光
Scutellarin(SCU), a flavonoid from a traditional Chinese medicinal plant. Our previous study has demonstrated that SCU relaxes mouse aortic arteries mainly in a
再恩爱的夫妻也难免会遇到矛盾,发生激烈的争吵。一般的争吵并不会给孩子带来很大的问题,但是过于频繁,或者过于激烈的争吵,甚至是产生了家庭暴力的争吵,难免会给孩子带来负面的影响——除了让孩子恐惧之外,还可能在潜移默化中,让孩子学会了这种不健康的处理人际关系的模式。  我曾经接待过这样的一对父母。一个四岁男孩,模样长得很可爱,却被幼儿园怀疑有智力问题,所以妈妈带他找心理医生。在陌生人面前他沉默不语,表情