有时间,就有存在,于是就有了思考。纷杂历史中弥漫着乌托邦,此时此地,布列松的作品散发着当代价值,在当代艺术修辞诠释下,如同“神秘走失儿童”系列作品,呈现的不正是当代生命力吗?亨利·卡蒂埃–布列松(Henri CartierBrsson通常中文译为亨利·卡蒂埃-布勒松,该书译为亨利·卡蒂埃-布列松,本文沿用此意。编者注)来到了维也纳。我静静地注视着他:光亮的发丝,宽宽的额头,相机后面是那双影响了一代又一代人的深邃的眼睛。正是因为这双眼睛,才有了我书桌上的这本书,《Henri Cartier-Bresson》。我爱书,
There is time, there is, so there is thinking. Nowadays, Bresson’s work exudes the contemporary value. Under the rhetorical interpretation of contemporary art, it is like “Mysterious Lost Children” series, which shows the current vitality? Henrika Henri CartierBrsson usually translates into Chinese in Chinese to Henri Cartier-Bresson, which translates as Henri Cartier-Bresson, and goes on to this article.) I watched him quietly: bright hair, wide forehead, the back of the camera is the pair of deep eyes affecting generations after generation. It was because of these eyes that I had the book on my desk, “Henri Cartier-Bresson.” I love books,