钱三强同志是一位杰出的科学家,一位高尚的人。中华民族因为有这样一位杰出的科学家将永远引为光荣。炎黄子孙,世世代代都应当向这位高尚的人学习。杰出的科学家并不是人人应当做到和可能做到的。但是,高尚的人却是人人应当做到也有可能做到的。 三强同志在新中国的青年知识分子中,早就享有崇高的声望。长期以来,我总是怀着崇敬的心情仰望这颗科学界的巨星。十年动乱结束,我奉调到中国科学院工作,有机会直接受到三强同志的领导和教诲,使我亲切地感到,在三强同志领导下工作,就象在冬天的阳光下那样,令人感到振奋和温暖,他是德高望重的长者,对我们后生晚辈也是那么真诚、随和,平易近人,他是科学界的高级领导,但没有一点官气、霸气,而是一身正气,甘守清贫,令人敬仰,令人钦佩。
Comrade Qian Sanqiang is an outstanding scientist and a noble person. The Chinese nation will forever be glorified for having such a distinguished scientist. The descendants of the world should learn from this noble man from generation to generation. Outstanding scientists are not what everybody should and can do. But noble people are what everybody should and can do. The top three commanders have long enjoyed lofty prestige among young intellectuals in New China. For a long time, I always look forward to this star of the scientific community with reverence. When the turmoil of 10 years ended, I was transferred to work in the Chinese Academy of Sciences and had the opportunity to be directly led and taught by the top three comrades. It made me feel sincerely that working under the leadership of the top three, as in the winter sunshine, He is the eldest and the most respected elder in our younger generation. He is also a sincere, easy-going and approachable man in his younger generation. He is a senior leader in the scientific community. However, he is not a bit arrogant and domineering. People admire, admirable.