1984年,在美国20届 AIAA/SAE/ASME联合推进会议上,美国聚硫公司、航空喷气公司和大西洋研究公司分别就其研制的几种复合推进剂品种的演变过程、研究的关键技术作了评述。现将有关聚硫橡胶推进剂、聚丁二烯推进剂和聚氯乙烯推进剂的发展过程简述如下:早在1944年,美国火箭学会的专家曾预言:“固体推进剂赋于的能量和性能不可能满足高空探测火箭或远程弹道导弹的要求”。经过廿多年的努力,大型固体火箭飞速发展,由固体火
In 1984, at the 20th AIAA / SAE / ASME joint promotion meeting in the United States, the key technologies of the research on the evolution of several kinds of composite propellant varieties developed by American polysulfide company, aviation jet company and Atlantic research company Comment. The development of polysulfide rubber propellants, polybutadiene propellants and polyvinyl chloride propellants is summarized as follows: As early as 1944, experts from the American Rocket Society predicted that “the energy and Performance can not meet the requirements of altitude detection rocket or long-range ballistic missiles. ” After more than 20 years of hard work, a large solid rocket has developed rapidly by solid fire