Shallow or part of the adhesion of the reified fornix reconstruction eye cosmetic plastic surgery is an important part of the former refers to non-orbital eye tissue contraction, the latter refers to the ocular capillaries caused by adhesions without the dome due to shrinkage of the conjunctival sac can produce scar formation One of the most important aspects of the surgical treatment for shallow or partially mucoculo-vasculature problems, including the inability to pretend to be fake, diminished eye motility, varus, strabismus, and diplopia, is the reconstruction of the posterior fornix such that Vertical can be very close to the shape and function of the normal dome. We use the oral mucosa or conjunctival repair instead of contracting the tissue, and with transparent plastic or plexiglass flat bulge elliptical or hollow ring-shaped filler (eye mold) for the support for vault reconstruction, better effect, the drug is described below.