Effect of grass density and date of tapping on Acacia senegal gum yield in north kordofan state, Sud

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We conducted a two-factor experiment in randomized com- plete block design with four replications during 2004 in El Demokeya Forest Reserve and El Himaira Natural Forest, North Kordofan State, Sudan. The objective was to develop an understanding of the ecological effects of under-story vegetation and tapping date on the productivity of gum arabic from Acacia senegal as over story cover. The first factor was grass cover which was tested in four levels (100% and 50% grass cover in addition to bare and burnt). The second factor, date of tapping was tested in three levels namely (1st Oct, 15th Oct and 1st Nov). The first picking was done after 45 days from tapping and the gum yield up to seven pickings was collected at intervals of 15 days. Gum yield from each picking was collected and weighed using sensitive balance. Analysis of variance was carried out using MSTAT-C statistical package, and the Tukey test was applied for mean comparisons. The results showed highly significant differences (p<0.01) of grass cover on gum arabic yield in the two sites for most of the first consecutive pickings (1st-4th out of seven) in addition to total yield (kg/ha). With exception to the 4th pickings, the interaction effect between the grass densities and tapping date was not significantly different. The total gum yield was significantly (p<0.05) increased in only two pickings (third and fourth) in El Demokeya Forest Reserve and two pickings (1st and 2nd) at El Himaira Natural Forest. The density of grass cover significantly (p<0.05) affected the number of pickings at both sites; the number of gum pickings was directly proportional to grass density. The number of gum pickings was found to be significantly (p < 0.05) increased at the early date of tapping. We conducted a two-factor experiment in randomized com- plete block design with four replications during 2004 in El Demokeya Forest Reserve and El Himaira Natural Forest, North Kordofan State, Sudan. The objective was to develop an understanding of the ecological effects of under- story vegetation and tapping date on the productivity of gum arabic from Acacia senegal as over story cover. The first factor was grass cover which was tested in four levels (100% and 50% grass cover in addition to bare and burnt). The second factor , the date of tapping was tested in three levels namely (1st Oct, 15th Oct and 1st Nov). The first picking was done after 45 days from tapping and the gum yield up to seven pickings was collected at intervals of 15 days. Gum yield from each of the wastes was collected and weighed using sensitive balance. Analysis of variance was carried out using MSTAT-C statistical package, and the Tukey test was applied for mean comparisons. The results was highly significant differences (p <0.01) of grass cover on gum arabic yield in the two sites for most of the first consecutive pickings (1st-4th out of seven) in addition to total yield (kg / ha). With exception to the 4th pickings, the interaction effect between the grass densities and tapping date was not significantly different. The total gum yield was significantly (p <0.05) increased in only two pickings (third and fourth) in El Demokeya Forest Reserve and two pickings (1st and 2nd) at El The number of pickings was both directly proportional to grass density. The number of gum pickings was found to be significantly (p <0.05) ) increased at the early date of tapping.
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