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  Second Language Acquisition Perspectives and Theoretical Studies
  (School of Foreign Languages, Ludong University, Yantai 264025, China)
  Abstract: The theory of second language acquisition has moved to a diverse genre due to various factors, which naturally contributed to the situation of “hundred schools of thought.” In the diversified second language acquisition research theory, the most closely related theories related to language teaching are: interlanguage theory, linguistic universals, the monitor model, pidginization hypothesis and discourse analysis theory.
  This article focuses on the five main schools of second language acquisition and presents some insights into its current point.
  Key words: second language acquisition; intermediary; congenital;
  1.0  Interlanguage theory
  1.1 Interlanguage definition
  The American linguist L. Selinker first proposed an interlanguage in 1969. In 1972, his paper entitled Interlanguage. Interlanguage theory officially established the status of interlanguage in the study of second language acquisition. Interlanguage is a kind of transitional language produced in the process of second language learning. This language system is different from the mother tongue and the target language, and gradually moves to the target language as the second language learner learns by the time. Close to an independent language system. Because of the limitation of learning level, second-language learners use interlanguage rather than target language, so there will be bias in the process of use. Biases are different from mistakes, not randomly generated, but solidified in each person’s interlanguage for a certain period of time.
  1.2 Interlanguage features
  Interlanguage mainly has the following characteristics:
  Creativity, in the process of learning a second language or a foreign language, the learner does not completely follow the grammatical rules of the native language, but creatively uses the language system unique to the learner’s language. Openness, interlanguage is an open system with gradual evolutionary characteristics, and its development has a certain stage. Flexibility, in the development of the second language, new language expressions continue to infiltrate the learner’s interlanguage system, so the interlanguage is not a fixed closed system, but an open system that constantly absorbs new content.   1.3 Fossilization and recommendations
  The theory of interlanguage also puts forward an important point the phenomenon of rigidity, also known as the phenomenon of stone transmission. Interlanguage theory holds that second language acquisition and first language acquisition are two different processes. This theory is currently highly valued in the study of second language acquisition. There are still many problems related to this theory that need further research and discussion. We have not used the target language completely correctly. We use the transition-interlanguage of the mother tongue and the target language.
  2.0 Universal Theory
  The language universality theory is derived from Chomsky’s first language acquisition theory. The linguists represented by Chomsky believe that children learn the rules of universal grammar from the beginning, and that children learn language through the language acquisition device. They believe that language acquisition ability is the innate language intelligence organization of human beings. No matter how complex the language is, children can easily grasp the native language system by virtue of their natural language acquisition ability. The theory of universal grammar holds that human beings are inherently endowed with universal and special linguistic knowledge, and that universal grammar mainly deals with “logical problems” that often involve language acquisition. Without these innate mechanisms, first language or second language acquisition is impossible. It can be known that the innate mechanism does not work immediately when human beings are born. It needs to constantly accept the stimulation of language input until it reaches a certain stage and is activated.
  3.0 language monitoring theory
  The most well-known and second most controversial theory of language acquisition is the language monitoring theory of the American linguist Krashen. It is one of the most influential theories in the second language acquisition theory from the 1970s to the 1980s, and it has important enlightening significance for language teaching. The theory of language monitoring believes that there are two different ways of second language acquisition: the learner concentrates his attention on the formal characteristics of the target language, which is “consciously learning the learner to use the subconscious process. In this case, Learners use the target language for real communication.
  4.0 Pichin Theory   Presented by American applied linguist Schumann in the late 1970s. Schumann proposed this theory by observing a 10-month ESL for a person named Alberto. Pichinese refers to the language acquisition process in the case where the input language is limited or insufficient, and the absorbed language is also severely limited. The Phichinese language is caused by social factors, time constraints or language complexity. Therefore, I believe that social advantages, comprehensive models, fences, cohesiveness, linkage density, cultural consistency, attitudes, length of time to live, and motivation for learning should be valued in the learning and teaching of second language acquisition. I think that Pichin linguistics will not become a problem for most second language learners in second language acquisition, but teachers and second language learners can learn from cultural adaptation.
  [1]Selinker L,Fossilization: What We Think We Know[M].London Longman, 1996
  [2]DianLarsen-Freeman and Michael H.Long,An Introduce Second Language Acquisition Research[M].Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press,2000
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