我国民诉法明确规定当事人“有新的证据 ,足以推翻原判决、裁定的” ,人民法院应当再审 ,但在司法实践中 ,检察机关直接依该条文并根据当事人提供的“新证据”向人民法院提起抗诉的作法 ,在当前的民事审判工作中 ,已愈发显现出弊端。今后的改革 ,应当引进举证时效制度 ,严格限定检察机关依“新证据”提起抗诉的例外情形
China’s Civil Procedure Law clearly stipulates that the parties “have new evidence that is sufficient to overthrow the original verdicts and rulings” and that the people’s court should retrial. However, in judicial practice, the procuratorial organs directly report to the people according to the provision and on the basis of “new evidence” provided by the parties The lawsuit filed by the court against protests has increasingly shown its drawbacks in the current civil trial. In the future reforms, the system of limitation of evidence should be introduced to strictly limit the exception of procuratorial organs’ protest against the “new evidence”